Actually wat I nid?????????wat I want???????????wat I wish for my future????????????????wat life I wish to hv in my future??????????????????wat??wat??wat????????????????????
Whn I started for my internship, my boss oledi ask me thk for all bout it…… is very important to myself 1…………but y my boss wil ask me during my internship period????wat my intern doing actually?????i thk my close fren wil noe bout it………….
Honestly, I not reali wish to work for my current company for intern….since I had interview for 2 companies, 1 is Chartnexus, another 1 is MGR consultancy, so jz got called frm MGR, den finally decided work for it n start my intern life………..whn I got offer to conduct interview frm MGR, I felt weird tat y they called me went for Great Eastern Mall to hv interview wif me……I tot MGR jz a simple company, who knows tat MGR actually is under GE…… for my interview tat time, I not reali did well, n sumore my ans way nt reali friendly, quite “chuan” for it…….i felt tat if they dun wan hire me, I aso wont mind or care bout it……n bcoz tat time was at GE mall, their asking way n ques I aso nt reali like it actually…….they aso got mentioned bout tat mayb wil called us do some sale n marketing job, sumthg like do insurance agent for it……..i can felt tat they wish us to b agent……for my 1st impression thk bout it was “I dun wan b agent….i dislike it….”……>.<……..but cum to the end, I got their called, n said tat I being hire to intern at their company……………
My 1st day of intern was weird!!!!!!!!!!!!9am arrived office, but the door was locked…………nobody at tat office, jz met my colleagues, aili & Jason…………….den v called to them, they said later wil got ppl opened door for us, n boss brought us went to the nearer Paparich to hv breakfast, yum cha…………………..afterward, they assigned 3 of us followed diff boss………………..i followed my boss tat she very geng & is a nv qiang ren………stressful looooo…………>.<………………….through the chatting session, jz realize tat she was a very successful insurance agent!!!!!!!!is a Unit Sale Manager…………earn million per month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she worked for 6 yrs oledi, nw no nid work aso can start enjoy her life, can retire d……………….but b4 tat the road she passed thorough was very difficult & tough……she had put many effort & hardworking, courage for it den oni can success…….so in the beginning, she shared many thg about her experience, idea, mindset......i gained a lot through tat conversation…………….n she got brought us went to agency, v attend morning & night meeting………part time or full time agent shared their case n feeling to us………although reali felt sienz n damn boring for it……….but actually aso can learn sumthg new frm them…………….but all was about insurance thg…………… tat time, got a GSM invite me & aili went to a room, n he start sharing all his experience to us………..he said "actually u all til young for it, got time n energy so can try everythg, dun jz at thr thk oni, if u try to b an insurance agent, u wil noe u can do it ant, if at the end u fail to do it, u lose nothg, u jz lose ur time, no cost for doing an insurance agent……… tat time u cont work bek or find a new job or do other thg else aso til got time for it……… least u got try for it so u wont regret in the future…………"
actually wat he had said was a truth, meaningful aso………… at tat time I started thking bout dis matter……………..kept thking……….started confuse n get lost…………so I sharing n chatting wif fren……….ask for their opinion……………….but cum to the end………….i til cant find an ans………………tat time reali wish to chat & discuss wif my daddy……………but til dun hv the gud chance to hv a discussion wif my daddy…………..tat time my boss aso dint called me thk bout it or talk bout the topic again…………….mayb she aso feel tat nt the gud timing for me 1st………… they dint force me or wat……………….n gv a lot of paperwork for me…………….b my boss Personal Assistant 1st…………………so…………… last…………………..i aso ignore dis matter………………….stopped thking bout it…………..started avoid dis topic………………….escape for dis matter…………… I dint found any ans or solution for it………….jz left it aside………………..dun bother it anymore………………so jz did the paperwork at office…………n sum time wil did a small mistake or careless bout my work…………….boss called us did telemarketing & market research………………called ppl do survey………………..>.<…………………..nt reali like to do all tat thg………………… started aversion for insurance………………..kept reject by other ppl……………n other ppl jz provided many negative feedback & pessimistic bout insurance……………… I started dislike & defy insurance, dislike b insurance agent………nt wish to try for it……………..>.<……………………….
But who knows…………….after went to a seminar for 2D1N…………….thr is a changing in my mind……………my boss wished me can attend for dis Career Opportunity Program on 9 & 10/4………….a seminar tat held at Sri Petaling Hotel for 2D1N………food & accommodation r provided…………..sumore the fees, RM220 was paid by my boss………since im intern nw so she sponsor & pay for it……………….my boss called me go hv a look n act as a gud chance to noe more fren, learn sumthg……….so I jz attend it since I reali wish to learn sumthg new & know more new fren……………..i went for the seminar jz for fun……………nt reali serious for it……………..i aso nt reali noe for the whole schedule & detail bout the seminar………………so my boss fetch me to thr………….sumore I was late for it………….@.@...............actually 1.30pm nid registered………2pm started for it……………but my boss called me 1.30pm wait her at office………..sumore she 1.45++ oni cum, so reached thr around 2.20pm…………………feel paiseh since im late for it n all ppl looked at me……..>.<…………..
Jz realized almost all the ppl were around 24++ yr old, working nw actually……n they all felt tat the real working life r tough n the $$ tat earned reali nt enuf for their life……n the important thg was they were nt enuf time to rest or holiday………..kept working for it but jz get little salary……….so they felt tat b an insurance agent, time is flexible, n sumore can earn a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$............all the experience they sharing were meaningful…………was reali truth for it………..once v graduate & start working life………..reali jz busy all the way…………….no time for holiday……………time is limited……………..
I aso realized tat most of them tat wish to b insurance agent, 1st at all SURE HATE b insurance agent…………but y finally they wish to b aso leh??????it is bcoz insurance gv a gud opportunity for them to earn $$$$$$ n time is flexible………..n the main point is……….after they noe & understd deeply about the important of insurance……….an insurance claim reali can help many ppls……..once get illness, do operation, or pass away bcoz of accident………there will b a huge $$$$ to help the family members in living expense, pay for the debt………….so actually insurance is needed & important for everyone……………..but y most of the ppl whn heard bout insurance agent wil feel annoy & hate it??????dis is bcoz the attitude of insurance agent………..the 1st impression for the insurance agent is ANNOYED!!!!!!!!!if 1 of ur fren is insurance agent, confirm u wil thk tat whn they gv u a call or find u, sure they wil force u to buy insurance…………….i actually wil thk the same way………….an insurance agent nid always hit for the target, den mayb they can get some award or reward…………so mayb they wil keep call ppl buy insurance………mayb the way they use got abit wrong previously………….but nw………all r used sharing way to promote the insurance product………share for the real story about the life with or without insurance……….if u dun wan buy it, aso nvm…….wont force ppl buy anymore………..
So after the 2D1N seminar, reali learned quite lot of thg frm tat………bcoz I went thr alone, I noe hw to social wif & make new fren………learned the lesson tat shared by the other ppl & lecturer who very success in insurance world ………..hv fun at thr aso~~~~
b4 went for the seminar, all my fren told me tat "it was a “BRAIN WASH” seminar……….after u attend, sure wil bcom an insurance agent oledi"……..>.<……….GOSH……………..i reali being brain wash oledi at the seminar…………reali wish to try to b an insurance agent………….luckily………………at nitez whn hving dinner wif my lovely family……….my daddy successfully help me brain wash again~~~~~~~hv a enjoyable n great chatting session wif my lovely daddy~~~~~~~~he very directly told me tat I TOTALLY not suitable b an insurance agent~~~lol~~~I kept argue wif him~~but finally let him won oledi bcoz wat he told me were TOTALLY truth & meaningful aso~~~my network nt strong enuf at all~~after sell insurance product to my few close fren, den I wil hard to find new market d since I nt reali gud in social………"y a stranger wil buy frm u since got soooooooooooo many insurance agent around them aso???????"lol~~~~~~~ngam betul~~~~~~~~~so at last I nt wish to try b agent anymore although I noe if I wan to do it, I sure can overcome all those prob tat my daddy mentioned~~~but I better dun wan waste too much time in the thg tat I nt reali wish to do~~better focus more on my investment field ba~~~ahahahah~~but I wish to learned more about the communication skill or selling skill frm the workshop tat provide frm them………… wish to attend the workshop but who noe………….my Lexmark boss gv me a call tat ask me go to pc fair wif her on tat day………….>.<…………so………………..finally I choose work for pc fair~~~~cant attend for the workshop oledi………..aiiiikkkkksssssssssss…………waste a gud chance to learn thg……………….
***actually reali got fate wif GE………stil rmb tat whn the time I was diploma yr 1 student, tat time wished to get a part time job, den got a fren intro a part time job for us tat can earn million per month, so Catherine & me went for the interview, went for the night meeting, free seminar………….tat time v all oni noe was work as an insurance agent…… last they needed us took for the insurance exam to take the licence………….so v quit for it………dun wan joined them anymore…………..who knows……………..after 3yrs…………….haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz