taking a short break now~~~~
2 more papers to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go go gooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~
many plans are waiting for me to execute~~~~~~~~~
eg. singk, movie, hangout, yum cha, gathering & LANGKAWI TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!
just get a good news from my hou ji mui that they had booked the apartment~~~~~~~
but she don't know about the exactly date.................
nvm~~at least can confirm that i can have a trip afterward!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just finish the CTM paper today~~~~~
the thing i can comment is
"IF we got study well all the lecture notes, sure we can answer the question well. IF we fully understand well all the parts that we learned before, sure we can answer all the question VERY WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
too bad that I'm categorize at the level of "half water".....
not enough time for doing this paper..................
waste too much time in thinking for the answer..............
end up by rushing & simply write out all the points that i think that time...........
fully utilize all the time at last minute................
rush rush rush.........................
the answer that i write not that perfectly............
when i take nap this evening..............
keep thinking the question & answer automatically..........
realize that i had missed out many point...............
make me have a nightmare...............
keep tell myself don't want think about it again~~
hope my brain will obey me by stop thinking about it & let me have a sweet dream later~~
actually i didn't hate CTM this subject....
find out quite interesting for this subject if i fully understand the notes.....
i have learned a important things from this subject is we must KEEP THINKING........
think about WHY WHY WHY & WHY.............
& HOW~~~~~~~~~~
about CTM lecturer............
just can said he really geng~~~~~~
but he always expect with us too much..........
i not really agree with the way he teaching..........
sometimes will accidentally insult & hurt someone...........
but overall he considers is a good lecturer~
& because of this CTM
happy that my ee lou become red & wise man~
hope he can quickly adapt to this red situation~
still got PM & FMR~
the most worry paper will be FMR.............
because i seem like always didn't pay attention at 8am lecture...........
had skipped the lecture for few time too.....
some more i always didn't prepare for the tutorial...........
the thing that i can do is put more effort afterward~~
because i want fight for my BIG MEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
my lovely 1 promised that IF i get 3 A, he will award me a BIG MEAL~~~~~~
this will be my biggest motive & power to study~~~~~~~~
& thanks for the oil that u kept add for me during this exam period~~~
GOOD LUCK & ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!