Started work as a promoter tat selling Lexmark printer at 2nd floor of low yat on weekend…..
Looked for part time job for many years ago…….
Previously jz leave my contact no. for many many different types of job…….
Didn’t receive any call about for doing part time job tat suitable to me……..
Get a part time job tat introduced by sally……..
Dis was the new challenge for me……..
Didn’t hv any experience for being a promoter……….
Learned many many things from seniors…….
They taught me how to attract ppl from crowd to listen me promote the product……
>>>thus, I bcum ‘thick face’ or even no face now…… my senior tell me tat being promoter is dun hv face……so no nid scare about the ‘thick or thin’ of face……whatever ppl tat pass through at my workplace……I wil ask them either they wan buy printer or not…….. sometimes too tired n blur ady…….will say wrongly tat I selling canon printer…….or ask wrong ppl tat aso r the worker at low yat……not customer……=.=’’’…….but most of the time I’m r ‘eating lemon’…….get reject from most of the ppl…….some of them reject politely wif smiley or saying ‘no thx’………other pay no heed to me……sad……T.T
They taught me how to communicate wif the customers……..
>>>therefore, I learned how to interact n stay close wif different races of customer…….foreigner, Malay, Chinese, and Indian………different races will communicate wif different languages…… the beginning…….cant speak n explain fluently……make the customer dun understand wat I’m saying n explain……..jz realize my speaking skill is very poor…….muz pay more attention about my language n speaking skill…….
They taught me try to be fren wif customer......they say tat i’m not a promoter…..i’m same like a bizman tat talking biz wif customer……….
>>>hence, I learned how to b fren wif customer…..chit-chatting n kidding wif them…… sometime telling joke wif them……’s fun~some customer really friendly!!!!they aso teach me how I nid to promote n attract customer~haha^^nid customer teach me how to promote product…….a bit shame……n some young customer, but elder than me……they ask wat course I’m taking now….she suggests me tat better take degree course n try to travel more when young~will dun hv chance to travel if working ady……thx for her suggestion~really useful for me~
They taught me muz b firm when explaining the product…….
>>>at the beginning sure will feel nervous n afraid………but they say muz pretend like stable n very confirm about ur product……….muz b brave to explain it although may explain wrongly… now I try to pretend my nervous n afraid feeling…….try to b more courageous n fearless…..
Working for 4days ady…….i find out my own statistic……
1 out of 10 ppl oni interest in buying printer…….1 out of 50 ppl oni wil buy printer from me…….
for my seniors……..30 out of 50 ppl will buy printer from them…….
Feel very stressful for the 1st day of my work…….
Fail to sell any printer tat day…….
But other frens success sold at least 2 units of printer…….
V will stay at different outlet to promote printer……..
The outlet tat I stay was hv huge crowd of ppl pass through everyday………
But I stil cant sold any printer…….
For other outlet is like ‘beat fly’……..less ppl wil pass through thr…….
But they stil can sold at least 1 unit of printer……
Feel stressful n failure………
So I ask the reason from seniors……..
they say:”why a customer muz buy the product from u leh??so many outlet, shop are selling same product at low yat, y the customer muz let u earn their money leh???the answer is juz bcoz of u……bcoz they trust u……bcoz of ur explanation make them feel confidence wif the product…….so they wil choose to buy from u although had walked around for many other shop……”
really is a meaningful n useful sentences for me……dis sentences make me realize tat y ppl will buy product from my seniors……not buy from me…..juz bcoz of I cant let customer feel confidence wif my product……..they dun really trust me tat if they buy my product is worth……haha~i muz gv more confidence to myself 1st……then sure I can sell more products!!!!!!GAMBATEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WILL TRY MY BEST!!!!!!
thx to all my seniors n frens tat gv many useful suggestions to me~
(I always believe tat failure is the mother of success……if no failure…..will hard to get success…..bcoz no mother, whr get the son or daughter leh…..haha)
Resep Pudding coklat - Dapur mama
5 years ago
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