"because i bought my iphone 4s on 4/2/2012~~~=D"
LOL~~wat a stupid question & ans~wahhaahhahahahahahahah~XDDDD
yeaaaaaaaaaaaa~my 4s babe born on 4/2/2012~~~~~
bought it at KLCC Maxis centre~~~~
it costs me RM1750 to make it born~~~~~~LOL~~~~~~~
actually need special thx to my lovely 1~~~~
thx for accompany & help me jailbreak & help me settle anythg about my 4s babe~~~
because of u, i can save the RM440~~~~~~~~~~~
since u sign for the 4s package---ivalue1, u use the package, i use the 4s, hence i no need sign for package but also can enjoy the lower price to buy 4s~~~~~if not, i thk i need use RM2190 to buy the 4s~~~
"y i will buy 4s??"
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~i thk the main reason is because of u again~~~since u r using iphone 4, & some times u got praise ur iphone~~& i always play ur iphone game~~i found out that iphone is better than the others too~~~~& wish to use couple phone with u~XDDDDDDD finally i decide buy iphone rather than HTC~~~wahahhahahahaahhaha~~actually iphone touch screen is more sensitive compared with the ohters......dis can found out whn play fruit ninja in diff types of phone~~~~actually i started thk to chg phone since last yr, that time keep compare & confuse which phone wish to buy.....some more i did not hv extra $ to buy phone....until i successfully get ptptn & my N95 spoil that time....finally i buy my 4s babe this month~~~~~~hehehehehe~~~
i use 4s around 10 days........everythg is good.......beside the BATTERY!!!!!!haizzzzzzzzz~it really drain fast~~~~~must charge it at least once per day~~aiksssssssss~~~although chg some setting, it still the same case.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm~hope for the better version to save my battery~~~~~~~~~~
total cost for 4s:
iphone 4s---RM1750
screen protector anti fingerprint & oil (front & back) ---RM39
change my sim card into micro sim card --- RM20
4s casing --- ???
still looking for the 4s casing~~~~although i found out the 1 tat i like, but so sad it costs RM99.....@.@~~a casing only wor.........wan so expensive meh..........haizzzzzzz.......nvm~~will keep looking for a cheap, good quality & beautiful casing~~~~~~hehehehehe~~
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