I'M REALLY WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WEAK IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a loser..............
may be is the 1st time........
really don't know how to control/ manage/ handle arrrrrrrrr~~
especially damn long distance love!!!!!!!!!
difference time zone is the main problem...........
i sleep, u wake up.....
i damn free at night, but u are dreaming..........
almost 2 months la~~~~
keep adjust myself~~~~~
okla i almost start used to it~
enjoying my UK life~~
recall back how was my life when i was stay at Tarc hostel.........
how was my previous single life~~
i just need to stay back with my previous single life will do~~
but I'm wrong~~~~
once u are IAR, u can't get back to single life.......
bcoz ur heart got another person living.........
ur life no longer single..........
I totally fail in LOVE........
if for other study subjects, u can refer to book, got teacher teach u.....
u just need to study hard to get good result.......
but for LOVE this subject..........
fail la~~~~~
cannot study~~~always learn from mistakes~~~
those mistakes are hurt~~
but if it's sweet & happy things really sweet & laugh~
if sad.....really sad......tear......hurt.......heart bleeding....
although if i really get bad result or fail in study i also never had those feeling............
i just can say that i'm still a beginner in love.........
i should learn how to love in earlier stage.........
so now at least have many experience & then know how to handle loooo~~
Resep Pudding coklat - Dapur mama
5 years ago
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