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Thursday, December 31, 2009

In conclusion.....

the LAST day for 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!!!!2010 is coming!!!!!!!
every essay aso nid to write a conclusion so tat it is said to be a complete essay......
therefore, i aso nid write a conclusion for my 2009's essay......

In conclusion.........
2009 is passing quite fast on my point of view.......all semester is calculated as WEEK.....WEEK 1 is the freest WEEK!!!!!most of the 1st WEEK of the sem, sure v wil plan go to 'WET' such as sing k, shopping, gathering, etc (hope can hv travel next sem).......bcoz 1st WEEK dun hv tutorial claz!!!!n no nid do tutorial, some time aso no nid attend lecture......haha!!!!so i really luv the 1st WEEK of all sem~

refresh all the memories from Jan-Dec2009......
juz rmb i started worn contact lens on Feb.......no nid b '4 eyes gal' ady....O.O

>>CNY mahjong time wif pig member at pig aili hse~

>>learned how to ice skating~

>>learned how to play pool~

>>graduate from the keyboard level4 lesson....... >>participant in mini unplug 3 n formed a band named "Crescendo"
>>performed the fish's song '没有如果' 1st time at stage......(although didnt get the best result.....but Crescendo always is the BEST band!!!)

>>aso 1st time b the committee for the mini unplug 4......i was being P.A System.....in charge all the songs for the whole show.....a new experience for being a committee......
>>scary H1N1 attack our country!!!!

>>celebrated all my lovely best frens' birthday dis year~(didnt post all celebration)

>>open house party at PV10!!!

>>gathering wif previous lovely clazmate 5D5~ >>gathering wif my lovely pig family~

>>keep playing crazy all around the college corner wif full of laughter~ >>1st time met Raymond Lam at The Mines~ >>took nice decoration at time square wif my lovely college clazmate~ >>hv a happy Xmas trip at Genting Highland wif my lovely buddy/pig son---suki~

>>WOW!!!!1st time watched concert!!!"Raymond Lam Let's Party Concert09"!!!

>>play hard but aso study hard in all semester......always nid to presentation n do assignment.......coursework.....especially dis 2nd yr sem2......the most suffer sem......all the subject r level 3 paper.....n all the paper r sit for 3hr......will hv the final exam soon.....hope all the best in the final exam~

Overall for 2009 is quite good...... Wish the WHOLE NEW 2010 will bring a lucky, wonderful 365days for me!!!!!PEACE!!!!!

haPPy nEW yEAr!!!!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

“峰•狂圣诞派对09” 正式引爆 !!

原来云顶云星剧场就在outdoor theme park的入口处的旁边……..那有点五颜六色的建筑物就是云顶云星剧场……..=.=’’’ 以前进outdoor玩都不知那就是云顶云星剧场…….我还以为会在很high class 的地方的………
在outdoor theme park的入口处那排队等了半个小时吧……已经开始排长龙了…….再加上那天的天气很很很冷……还要站在那排队吹冷风……..喔……真是很…..很….很….冷啦~
发现原来他们是买价值RM600的VVIP票!!!!!!哇!!!!她好舍得噢!!!!RM600 叻!!!两张就RM1200了!!!!是最最最前面的!!!肯定看到林峰很很很清楚还有可以跟他互动!!!好羡慕啊!!!!!!!而且他们说是上网bid的!!!肯定更贵啊!!!反而我们的票是中奖的免费RM90票……..有点像是一个在天……一个在地…….离很远很远很远的感觉……..可想知道……那aunty迷恋林峰的程度比我厉害一千倍吧…….不…..应该是没得比吧……….呵呵……..
*当然更少不了Ali Café!!!!
*还有卖圣诞帽和荧光棒……1 set RM20……我当然把它买下啦~演唱会怎么能少了荧光棒呢~圣诞帽也是要配合下这演唱会的主题啦~而且还会亮的~
*原来那售卖林峰的T-shirt ,布偶,file,和锁匙圈等等…….没记错一件T-shirt是RM69++!!!!那么贵那些人还争着买!!如果是RM20-30 的话我可能会买的……..而且那衣服就只有林峰的cute 版公仔…..设计普通……不值吧……..

*椅子上既然有赠品叻~有Ali Café,杨怡代言的H2O discount card,预防H1N1的消毒湿纸巾,还有当敲打时可以发出很响亮声音的演唱会棒子…..

在充满尖叫声!掌声!!欢呼声!!!棒子声!!!!“峰•狂圣诞派对09” 正式引爆!!!!!
林峰唱歌真的很很很很好听!!再加上那是个LIVE的演唱会~有LIVE BAND在为他伴奏!!整个现场就像是HIGH到极点!!WOW~一个字形容~
全程都能听到那些‘峰’迷们的尖叫声!!无论是林峰或当天的特别嘉宾,王祖男,陈山聪,泳儿,man hand…….全程充满尖叫声与欢呼声!!绝无冷场!!
man hand有准备一段rap词…..但已经忘了他们rap什么了……

印象非常深刻的是林峰演唱‘换个方式爱你’这首歌……他说他其实是个很难掉眼泪的人….但每次演戏都会有掉眼泪的戏份……这都因为是那些角色让他演到掉泪(可想知道他演技是都么的厉害)……除了这首歌…..他说在录制这歌是掉泪了……当他演唱这首歌时是用mike stand,一副忧郁的样子演唱……而且当时在空中有掉落一些类似雪花的东西…….场面很美~很美~我很喜欢这一幕!!当时听着这歌真的有被他感动到…..很好听……唱完这歌后他察汗……我真的以为他掉泪!!结果只是流太多汗而已…..原来这首歌的歌词很有意义!!‘若隔开天共地 换个方式爱你 停住时间或空气 原来合上眼就会一起’

忘了他在唱那首歌时,唱到一半时,既然走下台与观众握手叻!!!绕场走一圈!!而且还要走两次!!当时的气氛是最HIGH的!!全场的人都尖叫!!不过很气叻!!他只跟VVIP,VIP和RM300的观众握手!!当然啦~那些人花了那么多钱都只等这一刻与林峰的互动!!花了那么多钱都算得到很多回报吧~蛮值得的~回想当时,全部‘峰’迷都抢着围着林峰……当他一下台全部人就涌上去!场面差点就要失控!!很多body guard围起一个小圈保护着林峰,当时他在人群中根本就看不到哪个是林峰了!!而且他还没唱到一两句歌词……HAIZ…….当时还在幻想他会不会走过来我们这一边…….怎么可能叻……真的是想太多了…….但是!!!当有点失望时……差不多在演唱会的最后他既然走过来我们这一边!!而且还向我们这边招手!!!喔~我在怀疑其实他是在跟我招手呢~你们一定是认为我是想太多了~但是当时他是朝向我这个位置招手~而且我们那一边其实差不多是没人拿荧光棒,没人带有灯的圣诞帽,相当冷的位置…..应该可以说就只有我与suki在那自HIGH……呵呵…….当时我就是向他用力地挥了很多次的荧光棒,然后他才向我们这里招招手!!还招手两次噢!!哈哈~ok啦~我是真的想太多了…….=.=

不知不觉就来到演唱会的最后了…….最后大家一起合唱‘爱不疚’…….但来到最后了都既然完全感觉不到圣诞气氛!!而且他也没演唱‘Let’s get wet’这首那么HITs的歌!!也还没劲歌热舞!!当他说TQ然后走回去后台,全场人都一起喊ENCORE!!然后我才发觉原来喊ENCORE可以那么爽的!!很好玩~不知我们喊了多久,他再次踏上舞台!!尖叫声还是不断!!而且比之前更大声!!果然他在最后又唱又跳地演唱了‘Let’s get wet’!!WOW!!全场HIGH到极点!!而且他还叫我们站起来一起HIGH!!但是就只有RM300,RM230,RM150坐在舞台的正中间的观众站而已…….我们这里的人一点都不给面子……..超冷的…….还有不知做么身边和前后的观众都不见人影……是走人了呢还是冲去前面了……但我就叫suki一起站着HIGH~反正都来到演唱会的最后了……不HIGH要等到几时呢…….然后再把全部的烦恼喊完出来!!爽啊~他最后一件衣服穿得有点圣诞feel噢~虽然有点普通但我很喜欢那件~他也与其他的特别嘉宾一起唱圣诞歌!!派礼物!!前面的人都争着去抢!!恐怖啊~那时王祖男林峰跳近身舞的表情超搞笑的!!

“峰•狂圣诞派对09”在10.45pm结束,长达两个半小时的演唱会里林峰换了五套都以黑色为主的衣服,演唱了多首好歌,让我听到了他唱歌的实力…….听他唱LIVE的感觉真的很不同,虽然听他唱LIVE就好象听CD那么像,但始终都是LIVE的比较好听,毕竟有LIVE BAND让整个的感觉都比较真实!!也让我见识了他的精湛舞技!!虽然这演唱会没什么爆发点……舞台设计也很普通……有点小失望…….但总结来说这场演唱会成功!!我也玩得很开心!!真的很开心!!正式结束时真的超舍不得离开那里…….看着舞台……看着会场…….这一次的离开都不知还有没有机会再次坐在这欣赏那么棒的演唱会了…….在这两个半小时里…….感觉就像是发了一场超美好的梦……..很不想醒……




Happy Xmas09 trip at genting~

WOW!!!FINALLY!!!!! I got chance go genting highland ady!!!!!!!!!!!!
Already 5 yrs I din go to genting!!!!juz rmb the last time go to genting is when I’m a form2 student…..i really hope can go genting long time ago!!!!!!!!!i wan play all the excited game at outdoor theme park!!!!!!!!!!last time went genting I dint play all games…..especially the space shot n corkscrew!!!!!!!!!very very very regret dint play it coz too cowardly n scarry tat time……

i always…..always……always…..annoy my frens go to genting travel 2gether……sure they really beh tahan me ady……sorry my frens…..always annoy u all……I think I almost annoy them from yr1 sem 1 until now…..yr2 sem2…..almost 2yrs……but they til reject my offer until now…..almost nobody agree go to genting travel…..always gv me eat lemon……so hurt…….T.T….

But dis time……..

FINALLY I can step into genting highland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!very excited!!!!!!!!n dis time is ‘双喜临门’!!!!!!! I can watch the Raymond Lam Let’s Party 09 concert!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!WOW!!!!!!WOW!!!!!!!
the beginning of our trip……
happen a very unpleasant incident…….
At ktm again……
The hp had been stolen…….
I experience dis incident around my fren 2 times….
Cant believe it wil happen again……
Really nid to scold the thieves!!!!
Very x1000 angry now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y the thieves so so so so free go to steal other ppl hp!!!!!!!!!!
They duno the hp is very important for tat owner de meh!!!!!!!!!!!
All the hp r the owners use their BLOOD money to buy it!!!!!!!!!!
But they juz stole it easily, sold the hp out n get the DIRTY money!!!!!!!!!
Like dis got wat meaningful?????????!!!!!!!!!
HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope dis will never never never occur again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(tat time suki is very calm…..but Im very worry n angry….)

Dun refresh about the unpleasant incident………….
Let’s talk about the HAPPY event!!!!!!!!!!
Our happy Xmas09 trip is beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrive at KL Central around 10.45am…..
genting bus set out around 11.05am……
*at genting bus…..keep chit-chatting n eat snack….

On the way, my ears feel unwell….mayb is the pressure factor….
N is drizzling n misty…..
Arrive at genting highland skyway station around 12.15pm…..

The queue up almost until the entrance of the lift!!!!!!!!!
Many ‘taxi lau’ say wil queue up about 2hr!!!!!!!n they ask who wan take taxi for RM10!!!!!!
Haiz…………v juz can wait oni…………Wait about 1hr 15min at thr……finally r our turn to ride on skyway at 1.35pm ……..
*ppl mountain, ppl sea……
*at skyway lo~
*suddenly misty…..v look like inside into the fairyland~
*keep playing n take photo around all the corner!!!!!!!!!!
*act cool………….
*s…o..... c…o…o…l…. at outside……..
Next round is play ‘ding ding chang’ at indoor…..waste about RM5……
*hehe~playing initial D~~c how I drift la!!!!!ha~

*the driving skill of dis kid is COOL!!!he noe how to drift!!!!!
*tat time hv diabolo competition~
*very luv dis 'mo tian luan'….
*inside snow world very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!very hv Xmas feel!!!!but ticket too expensive….cant effort it…..><
*lunch + dinner time at pizza hut~ efficiency of dis genting pizza hut really fast!!!!!!customer service is excellent!!!!not like the mines lousy pizza hut……. XD
*thr got a place tat can play X game!!!dis two kids playing the drum n the guitar!!!i aso wan play drum la…….
*actually dis 2 malay kids wan take pic n I aso wan take pic….so take pic 2gether la~
*duno y suddenly wan to hit dis snowman….mayb is too bored about the post ady….so take some different post…..
*nice Xmas decoration~
Wooooo…..almost near 8pm lo!!!!!!!!!!the concert wil start soon!!!!!!! Next target is Arena Of Star!!!!!!!!!! around 6.30pm v arrive the entrance ady……but the security say can enter at 7pm oni………